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Chico MacMurtrie is Resident Artist at the University of Applied Arts Vienna as well as Visiting Professor at the Department of Art and Communication Practices during winter semester 2018/19.
The lectures are about the artist’s amazing Border Crossers generally and especially the Euro Border Crosser which he built together with students of the Angewandte.
Luise Kaunert/Amorphic Robot Works
Inflatable Structures, between Utopia and Protest
Luise Kaunert, Managing Director at Amorphic Robot Works will present a selection of “Inflatables” from the 1960s to today. Artists and innovators across the world have experimented with different inflatable media at the intersection of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Art, in order to create “mind expanding”, uplifting and sometimes disturbing experiences. Kaunert discusses how these installations might relate to Utopian concepts and how current practices are adapting them as form of protest.