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22/11/2018 - 26/01/2019
Mladen Bizumic, Carter, Simon Denny, Gintaras Didziapetris, Mark Dion, Charles & Ray Eames, Andreas Fogarasi, Buckminster Fuller, Jeff Gibson, Mauricio Ianes, Ketty La Rocca, Thomas Locher, Ad Reinhardt, Andy Warhol, John Waters
The exhibition Dialogue is the concluding project presented at Georg Kargl Fine Arts by “The Society of Projective Aesthetics”. Co-organized by Ines Lombardi and Simon Rees the exhibition evokes dialogue — between artists and artworks, between artists and visitors, between visitors and the gallerists, between media, between moments in history (including the future), between means of production and distribution, and so forth — in its many forms. These evocations are consonant with the aim of the Society to re-establish “exhibition space as a site of investigation, information, discussion {…] and art dissemination”.
points in time
22/11/2018 - 19/01/2019