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The (new) Constellation
(Tina Kult - Timea Strott - Agnes Varnai)
What shapes does faith take nowadays? And where to look for the share of religion in modern lifestyle? Glue in Reality observes the state of our time and gives a platform to think about new spirituality. The project embraces current tendencies and desires and synthesizes them into a new stream of mythology. The project combines different media and gives a specific insight into the stories and rituals of our daily actions.
Kuratiert von:
Felix Dennhardt und
Raphael Haider
21. November 2018,
18:00—21:30 Uhr
22. November—6. Dezember 2018
17:00—20:00 Uhr (oder nach Vereinbarung)
Für Trank und Speis ist gesorgt