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A co-production of ÖGFA and IoA
Free admission - Kostenfreie Teilnahme
Education: An Urban Inquiry
The growth of cities worldwide imposes increasing demands on public infrastructure, and educational buildings constitute one component thereof. Renowned theorists and design professionals will convene in Vienna this fall to explore architectural responses to these demands.
Education – An Urban Inquiry places special emphasis on careful use of resources, with respect to both life-cycle energy and land use. In addition, it examines how intensified use of educational buildings can contribute to a city’s vibrancy. These aims can best be achieved through concepts that incorporate and refurbish existing buildings, or, in the case of new construction, allow for future adaptation and conversion.
Point of Departure
Are Europe’s educational buildings fit for the future? What issues effect the process in which new buildings are erected? What information does a design professional require to prepare a design of a school that will be fit for the future? The symposium will highlight the close relationship between education and the buildings it requires and will seek to show possible paths forward. It will also address a number of questions related to sustainability and responsible land use. What conditions must be met to create high-quality outdoor spaces? What constitutes resourceful planning of educational buildings in urban settings? What sort of ideas can architecture supply and what concepts must come from educational theory?
Theory and Practice
Functional programs for new educational buildings vary typologically. We will take a look at a wide range of facilities, from preschools to university buildings and will also direct attention to specific typologies, including clusters, hybrids, temporary buildings, additions and conversions. The focus will be placed on designs which have mastered issues related to sustainability, but which also produce distinctive spaces. This applies both to freestanding buildings and ensembles. More than anything else, the symposium will examine how educational buildings can incorporate the urban dimension to meet the challenges today’s cities face.
11:00 am – 12:45 pm
Gerald Bast, die Angewandte, Introductory Address
Elise Feiersinger, ÖGFA
Herman Hertzberger, Amsterdam, Keynote Lecture
Lunch break
1:30 – 3:00 pm
Ulrike Stadler-Altmann, Bolzano/Bozen
Schools are Teaching and Learning Spaces – The Educational Point of View
Christian Kühn, Vienna
Effective Learning Environments: Is There Such a Thing as Evidence-based Design?
3:15 – 5:30 pm
Marika Schmidt, Berlin
Survey of School Typologies: School and its Social Rooms – From In-between to Learning Space to Communal Place
Antje Lehn, Vienna
Atlas of Invisible Spaces: Mapping the Interface between School and City
Panel discussion led (in German) by:
Michael Zinner, Linz the 4 afternoon guests and
Ute Schaller (City of Vienna, Executive Group for Construction and Technology)
Introduction: Manfred Russo, ÖGFA
6:00 – 8:30 pm
Case Studies Part 1: Dense Use
Elisabeth Boersma, planB., Rotterdam
Jean-Philippe Vassal, Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, Paris
Christoph Pichler & Hannes Traupmann, IoA, Pichler Traupmann Architekten, Vienna
Introductions/discussion leader: Elise Feiersinger, ÖGFA
10:00 am – 1:15 pm
Jeremy Hoskyn, Zürich
Providing Schools for Zurich
Case Studies Part 2: Urban Reconstruction
Simon Henley, Henley Halebrown, London
Misa Shibukawa & Raphael Eder, Shibukawa Eder Architects, Vienna
Gavin Henderson, Stanton Williams, London
Introductions/discussion leader: Andreas Vass, ÖGFA
Special guest: Matthias Boeckl, IoA
Lunch break
2:30 – 5:45 pm
Case Studies Part 3: Augmented Campus
Piet Eckert, E2A, Zürich
Philippe Bürgler, Menzi-Bürgler, Zürich
Rina Shindo, Skarn Chaiyawat, Chaiyawat + Shindo + Wisuthumporn, Bangkok
Joke Vermeulen, Compagnie-O, Ghent
Introductions/discussion leader: Ulrich Huhs, ÖGFA
Special guest: Bernhard Sommer, IoA
The Summing Up: Theory and Practice
fully booked/ausgebucht!
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
meeting point: Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
die Angewandte, Wörle-Schwanzer Wing
Riepl Kaufmann Bammer, 2015–18 / Eugen Wörle, Karl Schwanzer, 1960–65
Schule der Stadt Wien, Währinger Straße
AMP Architekten, 2018
Campus der Universität Wien
Friedrich Kurrent / Angelika and Johannes Zeininger, 1996–99
Lycée Français de Vienne
Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes, 2011–16
Rosa-Jochmann-Schule (primary school)
Hermann Czech, Fuchsröhrenstraße, 1991–94
Bildungscampus Friedrich Fexer, Attemsgasse
Querkraft Architekten, 2017(Entwurf)
Skyline Architekten (Ausführungs- und Detailplanung)
We reserve the right to make changes to the schedule.
With the exception of the panel discussion on Friday afternoon, all lectures and panel discussions will be in English.