
Fährte mit Raum - curated by_Tim Nolas

Bildende Kunst Eröffnung
Von Freitag
12. Oktober
bis Donnerstag
25. Oktober
Volkertplatz 8
1020 Wien
➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBvUgryH5sCpCGG47Ag

_____TIM NOLAS invited by GOMO

The exhibition Fährte mit Raum interrogates narratives and structures navigating between architectural and photographic appropriation.

With Adnan Balcinovic, Martin Bilinovac, Elisabeth Grübl, Bianca Pedrina

It will be the last show before moving to our new space!

GOMO is an artist run space by Nicoleta Auersperg, Maria Grün, Dorothea Trappel, Mara Novak

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