
I slept like a dog, covered in moss Event

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Von Freitag
28. September
bis Montag
15. Oktober
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung

Céline Struger – I slept like a dog, covered in moss

September 28th, 7 — 11pm

Text by Marie Oucherif

“I woke up at 3am and walked towards the beach
dogs barking at me every few meters.”

For “I slept like a dog, covered in moss”, Céline Struger (b. 1982) has made a set of sculptures and ground works alongside a film that all revolve around the particularities of her visual language: an investigation of a democracy of gesture that levels material, form and composition as equal agents in the frame of the installation. Been of a relatively amorphous form before, the ground works were transformed to a more restrained practice combined with hanging sculptures that originated during her stay in South Korea. Her artistic method borrows language and aesthetics that welcome the viewer into a set-dimension that seeks to suspend time and questions ideologies and habits.

September 28th — October 15th
Open Sundays 4 — 7pm and by appointment

invited by Eugen


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