
Transcultural Emancipation

Bildende Kunst Performance Gruppenausstellung
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1 Termin
Mittwoch 22. August 2018
22. Aug. 2018
Transcultural Emancipation

mit Arbeiten von
Enrico Foriddia
Maarja Nurk
Aimée Suárez Netzahualcóyotl

LIVE: Die fitten Titten(Performance)

Kuratiert von Ursula Maria Probst

Billboardprojekt 22. August - 12. Oktober 2018
In Kooperation mit BKA und Kulturkontakt Austria

Einer politischen Praxis von Kunst im Stadtraum folgend, wird damit im Austausch und in Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen KünstlerInnen, die sich als Artists in Residence für drei Monate in Wien aufhalten, eine Präsentations- und Interventionsfläche im urbanen, öffentlichen Raum geboten. Das Projekt “Transcultural Emancipation” ist Teil dieser 2013 gestarteten und fortlaufenden Initiative.

Worin bestehen heute emanzipatorische Prozesse, Aktionen zur Befreiung von gesellschaftlichen Normen und medienpolitisch forcierten, einschlägigen Weltanschauungen? Wie können in der Diskussion darüber neue Territorien besetzt werden, um in diesem Zusammenhang stehende transkulturelle Positionen zu thematisieren? Welche Fähigkeiten, sozialen Beziehungen, individuelle Lebensperspektiven spielen hier in der Ausbildung einer differenzierten Sichtweise hinein? Welche Möglichkeiten bietet das Verflechtungsmodell der Transkulturalität gegenüber jenem der Interkulturalität in der Auseinandersetzung mit kulturellen Differenzen und wie wird künstlerisch damit umgegangen?

Die Auseinandersetzung mit Mechanismen und Strukturen transkultureller Emanzipation im künstlerischen Feld gestaltet sich je nach Kontext und kultureller Rezeptionsästhetik unter verschiedenen Vorzeichen und ist folglich einem ständigen Prozess der Veränderung unterworfen. Bei den im Rahmen von “Transcultural Emancipation” realisierten Projekten ist die Auseinandersetzung mit der transkulturellen Situation am Wiener Praterstern ebenso immanenter Bestandteil wie die Hinterfragung dessen, wie künstlerische Arbeit in eine politisch gesellschaftliche Dimension überführt werden kann. Die Billboards bilden nicht bloß eine Schau- und Projektionsfläche, sondern sollen zur Kommunikation anregen, uns interessiert die Reaktion der Passant_innen, die Hinterfragung jener Konstellationen, einer in Veränderung begriffenen gesellschaftspolitischen Situation.

Enrico, Floriddia, “Your good and my good, perhaps they are different, and either forced good or forced evil will make people cry with pain”, 2018, Selfie prop, Billboard-Installation
This work is an attempt to displace a sentence from its original context and test its performativity today. Uttered by Emir Feisal to T.E. Lawrence at the beginning of the so-called Arab revolt duringWorld War I, it sounds like a premonition of a future colonised, said to the face of the man instrumental to the very same colonisation. The to-be-colonised faces us directly, the fraudulent English adventurer does not dare to look at what he did. He seems to mumble about his contorted soul. It is to be seen, to whom this sentence applies here today.

Enrico Floriddia: I am an artist, a researcher, a photographer, a scholar, a publisher and an archaeologist. But above all this, I am a permanent stranger.”
Born in Sicily in 1984. Studied Architecture, Modern Literature and Art History at the Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy.In 2012 I obtained a Photography Master of Arts at the École Nationale Supérieure Louis- Lumière (énsll) in Paris, France. In 2014 I took part to the Zines of the zone nomad library tour throughout the European continent. Participant of the Trauma&Revival (Bozar, Pushkin and kim?) and ENGAGE (Viafarini) programmes in 2017. Currently part of Decolonizing Architecture at the Academy of Arts in Stockholm. In the summer of 2018, he is participating in the KulturKontakt Austria Artists-in-Residence programme in Vienna.

Maarja Nurk, “Untitled Solutions”, 2018, Billboardinstallation
The work “Untitled Solutions” considers the functioning of the concept of prohibitionand its purpose and ways of solving problems in the urban environment. It shows the dynamics of restrictions that in a sense serve to remove the problems from the image or make them invisible. Thus, it awakens the imagination to the desired result or change. The photos approach the subject through the representation of the body and herebyexplores the means of submission to the regulations.

Maarja Nurk is a visual artist living and working in Tallinn, Estonia. She has graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts. Her BA studies she completed at the University of Tartu and meanwhile studied at the E.M.A. University of Greifswald. In her work she often deals with prolonged processes, experimental printmaking techniques and graphic structures, as well as the subjects of time and submission to certain processes or systems. In the summer of 2018, she is participating in the KulturKontakt Austria Artists-in-Residence programme in Vienna.

Aimée Suárez Netzahualcóyotl, Komm näher/Get close/ Acércate, 2018, Billboardinstallation
What is happening? What are they saying?
Why are they here?

A few years ago, a young Mexican from the countryside came to Mexico City. He came alone. He was looking for a job and a better life. He still is. I met him one month ago. Here. He always waits for customers in this spot. Every day. Right now he is about to get arrested for occupying public space. He is waving at you. He wants you to come closer. Would you?

Summer in Vienna is burning hot. I am swimming in the Danube. Alone. It is time to leave. A man is looking at me. He approaches me and asks whereI come from. We manage to understand each other in our broken German. We talk until it gets dark. I learn very quickly that he was living in Gaza before coming to Europe. And that he lived on a mountain for two years before coming to Vienna. He had a family and a big house in Gaza. Now he shares his tiny room with another refugee. And he comes to the river to think about his family. Alone.

What is happening? What are they saying?
Why are they here?
If you really want to know: get close.

Aimée Suárez is a young Mexican visual artist. Her work explores human relations and quotidian life. She is interested in creating systems to translate things/ideas/events from one medium to another. She uses cyclic repetition as an insight tool to approach things/ideas/events. She wrote this text.She is currently participating inthe KulturKontakt Austria Artists-in-Residence programme in Vienna.

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