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Eröffnung am 13. September
18.00-21.00 Uhr in allen teilnehmenden Galerien
ab 21.00 Uhr Gartenfest gemeinsam mit der Secession, Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien
We are thrilled to invite you to the opening of this year’s “curated by”.
Now in its tenth iteration, the festival sees 21 local galleries invite international curators to put together special exhibitions in their spaces.
Titled “Vienna Line”, this year’s instalment of “curated by” explores the specific aspects of the Vienna system. Hence, the city itself is at the centre of attention. The optimism of enlightenment, the political situation, the modes of perception, the city of contrasts, life between the baroque and present times, the culturally entrenched bridge between the East and West, local elements in the global context, and the imaginary itself are among the distinctive components of this city.
On September 13 between 6 and 9 pm, all participating galleries will open their exhibitions to the public. Come numerous!
Charim Galerie | curated by_Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel & Thomas Jeppe
CRONE | curated by_Mark Rappolt
Croy Nielsen | curated by_Saim Demircan
Galerie Nathalie Halgand | curated by_Attilia Fattori Franchini
Galerie Ernst Hilger | curated by_Katarzyna Uszynska
Galerie Martin Janda | curated by_Latitudes (Max Andrews & Mariana Cánepa Luna)
Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien | curated by_Wolfgang Kos
Knoll Galerie Wien | curated by_Eszter Lázár & Edina Nagy
Christine Koenig Galerie | curated by_Daniel Muzyczuk
KRINZINGER PROJEKTE | curated by_Jérôme Sans
Krobath Wien | curated by_Mirjam Thomann & Jenni Tischer
Galerie Emanuel Layr | curated by_Robert Müller
Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art | curated by_Lóránd Hegyi
Galerie Meyer Kainer | curated by_Melanie Ohnemus
Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder | curated by_Julia Garimorth
Galerie Raum mit Licht | curated by_Franziska Lesák
GABRIELE SENN GALERIE | curated by_Georg Elben
Galerie Steinek | curated by_Gerald Matt
Sophie Tappeiner | curated by_Cédric Fauq
Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman | curated by_Markus Mittringer
Galerie Hubert Winter | curated by_Lorenzo Giusti