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curated by Oscar Sanchez
Sand, beach bed, ?palapa” or beach umbrella, towel, book What is property? by Pierre Joseph Proudhon, and sound on portable rechargeable speaker.
The issues of private property, excessive profit and the real estate battle shake almost the entire planet. In the tourist beaches of the Pacific Ocean in Mexico, fights take place to establish areas of rest and recreation for the tourists facing the sea. Hotels and civilians without permission privatize the spaces for their benefit. Finding a place to rest can be more chaotic than an avenue in the metropolis.
The installation is the recreation of an experience I had recently in the international beach of Acapulco, placing the book What is property? of the French anarchist Pierre Joseph Proudhon, seminal text for the radical thought, to separate my bed during the whole day. When placing a book, and not a bag or backpack as usual, no one approached my space, even though there were constantly problems in beds around, or it was not stolen as it could have been another object. In the installation we also listen to the energetic sound of the sea and the ambience of this beach through a popular portable speaker (as usual on these beaches). As for capital nobody rests. Literature as a defense ?weapon?.