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MEETING: Adolf Blamauer gasse 3. District at the pedestrian overpass / entrance parking lot
The big IKEA bag -Bubble – home of DOG_men
As part of his ongoing performance cycle ?DOG_men- new bodies, myths and the city? performer and choreographer Daniel Aschwanden is collaborating with architect and social designer Joanna Zabielska. Together they engage in an exploration of urban space by patching together their lines of work reflecting both, public and intimate space. As a gesture of dialogue their pop up intervention on a strech of hidden waste land in Vienna invites to get impressions of urban and possibly human transformation:
IKEA bubble
I created an exhibition display consisting of recomposed and sewn typical ikea bags for an exhibition exposing documents of previous interventions in Vienna´surreal ikea shops in the ?labile Botschaft? in early 2018 curated by Daniel Aschwanden,
To continue a critical reflection on what could be called ikea phenomenon I used the material of the post exhibition wall to design a inflatable structure , a new bag installation to open up dialog outside, in the public space. It is an urban tool to temporarily occupy various undefined locations around the city. Such a playfull coulisse aims at supporting discussions on the consumer mechanisms, that influence not only our living rooms but living space in general. The extension in the use of ikea bags ironicaly adresses the DIY concept behind the company?s marketing strategies and provides a free space to performatively rethink the state of nowadays design.
Joanna Zabielska
DOG_men - Neue Körper, Mythen & die Stadt
This edition of weeekly DOG_men performances – it is Nr. 17, based on narratives of the dog men will take place in an area, which offers itself as a temporarily paradise for dogs and owners. I will perform the embodyment of a DOG_man, physically and with my senses and mind respond and relate to the environment of the urban realities around and especially to the bubble in blue. A dance of an imaginary hybrid will develop, a fictional bastard, pretending to have come true, reading excerpts of Donna Haraway ´s ?companion species manifesto? and improvising on stories of ancient mythical times. The body becomes a place to negociate and deal with concepts of hybridity and identities, the field of technoculture and the concept of a phantastic ?other?.
The city reveals itself as a temporary stage for fictional narratives evolving by means of improvisation and provides the grounds for getting together, to listen and see, to meet and comunicate.
Daniel Aschwanden