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ROAD SHOW EAST is an artist statement for a united Europe without any borders. A
united Europe is the only way to avoid mistakes of the near and distant past, and
NEVER to place WAR as the supreme postulate. To the east among other things
because the region ex Yugoslavia was the last great war site in Europe and many of the
participating artists still know from their own childhood experiences about living in war
times, which we in the west fortunately not have experienced since my generation.
Towards the east, because the mistakes of the Union so far are most obvious and the
acceptance in the Union is the lowest. Neocolonialist perversion and exploitation of
weaker and new members has become a kind of cavalier´s delict in recent years.
Towards the east, perhaps also for historical reasons, many of these countries have
already experienced a bad version of the Union, among kings, emperors and dictators.
But especially because artists are aware of their responsibilities and show that a joint
effort is possible without problems. We require openness, curiosity, desire for other
things and communication