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The title of the exhibition ‘Uncanny Valley’ is inspired by a pair of similarly named artworks by Lisa Beck which are inverse landscape images of each other. Each of these paintings will be in one part of the show, linking the two.
Uncanny valley also refers to a phenomenon of revulsion in human sense perception of representation or figuration specifically relating to degrees of recognition, or self-identification. This valley is a disconcerting space in the recognition of an object that is between an exact duplicate and something slightly more abstract.
The first chapter of this show leans towards figuration, though the second is not lacking.
All of the artists in ‘Uncanny Valley’ had a solo show with Galerie Ruyter. In some cases these are new works, and others are works that I live with. I am grateful to have had so many opportunities to explore my own uncanny experiences in art. There are many other works in this show as well, even if they are not represented in these two chapters, at this particular moment in time.
Uncanny Valley
organized by Francis Ruyter at Vin Vin
Bartensteingasse 14, 1010 Vienna
open Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 12-15h
and by appointment +43 699 112 096 24
Part 1: May 10-30, opening May 10, 19 - 21h
Lisa Beck
Benjamin Butler
Michael Huey
Justine Kurland
Paul P
Patricia Reinhart
David Benjamin Sherry
Part 2: June 1-29, opening June 1, 19-21h
Lisa Beck
Slater Bradley
Miles Coolidge
Anne Eastman
Lotte Lyon
Tam Ochiai
Tamuna Sirbiladze