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Opening: 26 April 2018, 6 pm
through 15 June 2018
FACING GAÏA curated by Christopher Yggdre
Radenko MILAK + Roman URANJEK
The world is trembling. Temperatures are soaring. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones surge and sweep through cities and homes reducing them to ruins. Water levels are rising, flooding arable lands if not entire countries. Parched primary and secondary forests blaze and are reduced to ash. Eternal glaciers and the polar ice pack are melting in a deafening sound. Deserts are expanding inexorably. Humid areas are drying out. Animal species are becoming extinct by the thousands. What we call global warming or climate change or disruption is imposing itself like a long hellish season on earth. Despite the denial of some, there is no longer any doubt: human activity is indeed the cause of these phenomena. In Facing Gaïa, presented by Christine König Gallery, which follows the University of Disaster exhibition at the Bosnian Pavilion of the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017 as a sort of case study, Radenko Milak and Roman Uranjek are presenting new works.
KOENIG2 by_robbygreif
Nasan TUR | Kapital
A computer scientist was commissioned to create a formula to generate all possible spelling variations of the word “Kapital”, so at least phonetically when reading, it still sounds like “Kapital”. The computer calculated more than 41000 possible variations. Randomly generated, the artist transferred the variations, given by the computer, by writing with a brush on handmade paper.