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Dear beloved Friends of Fine Arts,
The year 2018 is full of change!!!
One of them is, Aa Collections changes Location!
We waited with the announcement since we wanted to have the new Space confirmed.
Now its official Aa collections is moving to the Reindorfgasse 9, 1150 Vienna, we are happy to meet our new neigbhours like the improper walls and a lot of other greate art spaces, stores and hot spots on this culturally thriving street!
Since this happens end of march we will make the last week a grande finale for the Burggasse 68, come and Join the last Show on Burggasse!
Aa Collections cordially invites you to the exhibition:
Offerus Ablinger
Jasmin Hagendorfer
Karl Killian
Vera Klimentyeva
Lieber Michael
Georgij Melnikov
Gert Resinger
Anne Sophie Wass
Sophia Süßmilch
Vernissage 20.03
Golden Thursday 22.03
Offerus Ablinger & Jasmin Hagendorfer
Friday Night with Karl Killian 23.03
Live in Concert: $?¥£@$@µ
disco, 70ies porn und funk fuck
Nacht der Langen Messen 24.03
mit Pastor Patatus Melancholnikov und Band
Burggasse 68, 1070 Vienna,