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Vortrag Marcelo Rezende
Researcher, Critic and Exhibition-Maker, Co-Director -Archiv der Avantgarden (AdA) Dresden
Moderation Nora Sternfeld Professorin für Kunstwissenschaften/documenta Kunsthochschule Kassel, /ecm-Leitungsteam
If we accept the idea of the museum as a machine to produce questions and problems, in a process to shed light upon the cultural, political and social sphere?like a lightning bolt, happening in the sky and illuminating for just a few seconds what has been in the dark?, how this structure, the museum, could reorient itself to develop a new, revitalized and politically meaningful relationship with the past? And why the past, the archive, the ethnographic gesture as a way to touch again the -revolutionary potential of the museological institution? In this lecture, the Germans Alexander Dorner and Walter Benjamin meets the Italo-Brazilian Lina Bo Bardi, and together they send messages from the former times, arguing for the development of a proper methodology to address the present issues by the means of the past.
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