We can't find the internet
Attempting to reconnect
Verbindung zu esel.at
(Main Gallery)
opening: March 15, 7 pm
duration: March 16 - April 21, 2018
The search for meaning in these volatile times leads to a musing on meaning itself.
In the horrible Newspeak of our Trumpian times the post-truth,
fake-news generation questions everything in a spiralling descent into confusion.
How to be a man (or a woman) in a feminist patriarchy? What is the meaning of freedom?
Since Late Capitalism is selling the avant guard as another marketable product,
is there a way out of this self-destructive system?
Is belief in equality and a sustainable world just another religious dogma?
Is our extreme consumption like an Ancient Roman bulimia -
making us vomit: so we can gorge on even more.
How can we see that the concrete wall is a political metaphor,
a brutalist symbol for the compartmentalisation of reality.
I don?t want to look at that - so I will put it through the other side of my metaphysical turnstile
?click, click, click? (Deborah Curtis)
opening: March 15, 7 pm
Parallel to Martha Jungwirths big solo exhibition at the Albertina, Vienna
(March 2 -June 3, 2018) Galerie Krinzinger is presenting selcted works from the series
Istanbul, inspired by media images from the coup attempt of 2016.