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Anna Barlik
Julian Palacz
Sergen ?ehito?lu
curated by Magdalena Stöger
Encounters deals with wanderings, interplays and power relations in a homogeneous network of physical and virtual spaces. The perception of Anna Barlik, Julian Palacz and Sergen ?ehito?lu is determined not by the separation, but the understanding of experiences in physical space and virtual movement as a fluid unity without distinguishment – a perception that has long been internalized in our collective consciousness and is articulated in a modified index of our body automatisms.
In their virtual walks, the artists roam through maps and networks that offer portrayals of our world as proxies of physical paths, landscapes and social connections. Whether it is the pursuit of friends? trails in unknown places or just alienated curiosity – with each movement, piece by piece a very personal topography of individual places and landscapes is formed. This abstract web of the virtual and physical world leaves behind a sense of closeness and accessibility, almost comprehensibility of the big picture even, as Charles and Ray Eames convey in their short film “The Power of Ten”. The map is representative of a global system of permanent interconnectedness within structural, virtual and social processes. In the exhibition Encounters it is used by the artists as a metaphor to understand mechanisms of extended cartography, to deconstruct and to rearrange them.