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for those who have not seen the show or just want to have “””“one more beer”””” before going home. see u on thursday!
Currently on View:
Carved and Shaped by Proximity
A fundraiser show featuring small works by artists living and working in Vienna.
Sasha Auerbakh, Melanie Ebenhoch, Jennifer Gelardo, Birke Gorm, Ernst Yohji Jäger, FM (Daisuke Fukunaga & Soshiro Matsubara), Jürgen Kleft, William Knaack, James Lewis, Angelika Loderer, Irina Lotarevich, Bruno Mokross, Lucia Elena Pr??a, Anna Schachinger, Titania Seidl, Jumpei Shimada, Laurence Sturla, Philipp Timischl, Edin Zenun
January 31 – February 12, 2018