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Vin Vin presents The Prompter’s Clutch, with Carina Emery (b. 1991, Thun, CH) and Julia Znoj (b. 1990, Bern, CH).
she takes the script down to the shore
dressed in the landscape dress
that organ piece should bring the fish these sounds
hello fish dancing
get hooked and fished
my mouth opens so widely to encircle this one big pore
push the last sounds out
the water is a barrier at first
not taking in the waves I’m sending
listen to me please
I’m all dried out in this wet wet pond
there’s love for you
For their first collaboration Carina Emery and Julia Znoj work with different media, conceiving the gallery space of Vin Vin as a watery lower level. In The Prompter´s Clutch objects slip from walls and clamp through rooms, becoming grips and holds for voices escaping the back-up role of a steady script.