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Eröffnung 12.Jänner 2018 um 19:00
Bearing in mind that media and digital art has taken over a lot from performance, could we develop new standards and techniques within media art preservation strategies by using reinterpretation to capture the hybrid, contextual and live qualities of the original piece rather than proposing an ongoing process of changing platforms and operating systems? (LIMA/NL)
Axel Stockburger | ?translation / read my lips?
Re-interpretation von Gerda Lampalzer | Translation (2003)
Seppo Gründler | WHITEOUT
Re-interpretation von Richard Kriesche | Blackout (1974)
Elisabeth Schimana, Hillevi Munthe, Claudia Roeck
You Never Know (2012-2015)
Entfaltet ist eine Kooperation von Medienwerkstatt Wien, IMA Institut für Medienarchäologie und LIMA ( Mediation by reinterpretation).