
Performative Screenings: Naomi Rincón Gallardo Event

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15. Dezember
Film Video Screening Performance

Mz*Baltazar’s Lab invites you to attend the 2 performative screenings by Naomi Rincón Gallardo

curated by Anna T.

15.12.2017, 7 p.m.
The Formaldehyde Trip (2017)
(performative screening)
The Formaldehyde Trip is a speculative fiction comprising a cycle of songs and videos dedicated to murdered Mixtec activist Bety Cariño. By deploying Mesoamerican cosmologies and decolonial feminist perspectives, crafty and ornate props and stages, echoes from Mexican B-side Sci-Fi films from the 60s and 70s, sounds and voices from the past lurking into the future, and lyrics addressing women?s struggles against the dispossession of their lands, bodies and cultures, The Formaldehyde Trip imagines Bety Cariño?s journey to the underworld, where she finds women warriors, witches and widows, both-sexed deities and animals preparing her re-birth party.
An axolotl in formaldehyde plays a hybrid role between a story-teller, a ghostly artificially isolated native informant and a savage educated guide who agitates fact, fiction and friction.

About Naomi Rincón Gallardo

Naomi Rincón Gallardo (b. North Carolina, USA, 1979) based in Mexico City, currently living and working between Mexico City, Vienna and Berlin. BA in Visual Arts, ?La Esmeralda?, Mexico City. MA in Education: Culture, Language and Identity/Cross-sectoral and Community Arts, Goldsmiths University of London. Candidate for the PhD in Practice at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Understanding research as an artful and transdisciplinary fabrication, her latest work addresses initiatives related to the creation of counter-worlds in neo-colonial settings. She uses masquerade lenses to create a place between radical utopian experiences, fantasy and crises of beliefs. Rincón Gallardo integrates her interest in music, theater games, D.Y.I aesthetics, decolonial feminisms, queer theory and critical pedagogy into her work. Alongside her artistic work, she has been involved in institutional and non-institutional educational settings and community projects, both teaching and coordinating.

Selected shows: The Formaldehyde Trip. Performance in Progress. SF MOMA (2017), Queerly Tehuantin. Cuir us. Galeria de la Raza. San Francisco CA (2017), Odarodle. an imaginary their_story of naturepeoples, 1535-2017. Schwules Museum. Berlin (2017), Prometheus 2017. Four Artist from Mexico City revisit Orozco. Pomona College Museum of Art. L.A. (2017), Anticolonial Fantasies, Friday Exit, Vienna (2016), Curatorial Project Out Of the Closet Archives, in collaboration with Nina Höchtl, Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City (2015), Ocotepec Odyssey, Pluriversale/ Akademie der Kuenste der Welt, Köln (2014), Mexico Inside Out, Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art, Texas (2013), Sex, drugs and rock & roll, Museo Universitario del Chopo, México City (2014), The endless cycle of idea and action, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Carrillo Gil, México City (2012), Between Utopia and Failure, Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca, Morelos (2014).


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