
Sounds Queer? Final Presentation Event

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Musik Klangkunst Präsentation Workshop Installation

After months of workshops, participants of the Queer Synth Laboratory take over Prospekthoft at Semperdepot! We invited two amazing sound witches to join us on this occasion.

During the skill-sharing session curated and organized by Zosia Ho?ubowska - a queer sound artist and activist - Sounds Queer? offered a space to learn about basics of synthesizers and electronic music.

So how does ?queer? sound? How can we create a queer safer space through music?

Collectively we will exploring noises, harmonies and dissonances, latency and synchronization to create a performative sound installation.

We invite you to experience a living library, a maze of our sound projects and the sound-scape we will conjure.

Stay tuned for two last SQ? workshops this year run by Aja and Dj Morgiana just before the final presentations. More info soon!

Zosia Ho?ubowska
DJ Morgiana / Karolina Karncewicz
Aja Ireland

Participants of the SQ? workshops:
Verena Schwab
Edwina Sasse
Nicole Sabella
Miña Tarilonte Rodríguez


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