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Adrienn Kiss
Titelbild: Adrienn Kiss: Step_1/Chloë , 2017, Buntstift auf Papier, 42 x 29,7 cm
?I work with images that aim to create a sensitive, yet energetic approach to thematise the constructions of identity. I am interested in social attitudes and cultural conditions that define the individuals to the others. I often depict stereotypical behaviours from a different angle with a strong emphasis on the gender aspect.
Freehand drawing directs my attention to classical thinking and formal implementations, that I too adopt to my other processes, such as installation, collage, or photo based analogue or digital compositions. With the symbolic character of the imagery I aspire to create a subtle and suggestive atmosphere, that invites the viewer to further thinking and discussion.?
– Adrienn Kiss
Vernissage: Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2017, 19.00 Uhr
ega:frauen im zentrum, Windmühlgasse 26 – 1060 Wien
Ausstellungsdauer: 20 Oktober 2017 bis 26. Jänner 2018
Die Ausstellung ist von Mo – Do von 09.00 bis 16.00 Uhr bei freiem Eintritt zu besichtigen!
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