
Stefanie Strouza: Shore Event

➜ edit + new album ev_02vvBwd2iaWyzObO7KipWU
Von Montag
18. April
bis Montag
25. April
Bildende Kunst Eröffnung

It can only be understood as a section. Planar views capturing the dissolution of mass into gravity. Curved surfaces allowing the ascension of primary tides. […] They arrived sometimes by air, sometimes by water. Fading from blue to black, the names changed. Vocals became concrete, dispersing themselves as monuments in the landscape. Transformed into points of orientation, floating on a liquefied desert. […] The multiplicity of referents. The lack of referents. A pulsating line sinking into diaphanous substance. Inhaling the aqueous solution of continents, exhaling vaporous fragments of time.

Shore is a fictional topography of actions.

Fragmentation and dislocation.

Omissions and interruptions.

Models and simulations of an escaping original.

A migrating form recurs within the installation.

Subjected to the laws of repetition, perpetually shifting between surplus and deficit.

Stefania Strouza


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