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PlumberCon 2009 will combine the knowledge of experienced security speakers, hackers, and information warriors with the fun of a small but 1337 conference at one of Vienna’s most comfy & snugly meeting locations: the WerkzeugH.
Time Title Speaker Type Lang Location
10:30:00 Workshop Village workshop - WerkzeugH 0.5
11:00:00 Hero Hack Zimmer Barnes lecture EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
12:00:00 Freedom Optional: A Philosophical Discussion of Life, Love, and Hacking Babak Javadi lecture EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
13:00:00 Malware for SOHO routers naxxatoe lecture EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
13:15:00 History Hacker video EN WerkzeugH 0.5
14:00:00 Host Vulnerabilities: The Impact of Networked Zombie Invasions Nick Farr lecture EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
14:15:00 A View on Hacker Ethics video EN WerkzeugH 0.5
15:00:00 Biohacking Lisa Thalheim lecture EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
15:15:00 Unauthorized Access video EN WerkzeugH 0.5
16:00:00 Out Ta Get Me: Hiding Out and Laying Low with Anti-forensics headhntr lecture EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
16:15:00 Seth Hardy’s hacklab.TOilet video EN WerkzeugH 0.5
17:05:00 Lightning Talks: TBA lightning talk EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
17:10:00 Snaqx: Distributed Port Scanning Framework lightning talk EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
17:30:00 The Future of Biometrics lightning talk EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
18:00:00 The HackBus lightning talk EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
18:15:00 Setting up Testlabs for Fun & Non-Profit lightning talk EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
18:30:00 monochrom: Reach Out And Touch Face Johannes Grenzfurthner presentation EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta
19:30:00 non-disclosed Jesse Darling presentation EN WerkzeugH 1.0beta