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PlumberCon 2009 will combine the knowledge of experienced security speakers, hackers, and information warriors with the fun of a small but 1337 conference at one of Vienna’s most comfy & snugly meeting locations: the WerkzeugH.
Time Title Speaker Type Lang Location
10:30:00 Workshop Village workshop - WerkzeugH
11:30:00 Geek Jewelry Yashiko workshop EN WerkzeugH
12:00:00 Learn to make cool things with microcontrollers Mitch Altman workshop EN WerkzeugH
12:30:00 Call-in: House of the Future: starting with the furniture Fabienne Serriere video EN WerkzeugH
13:00:00 Lockpicking Babak Javadi Deviant Ollam workshop EN WerkzeugH
13:30:00 Call-in: Scientists Are The New Rockstars Scott Beibin video EN WerkzeugH
14:00:00 Phone Phreaking Kugg Hossi Phrosit workshop EN WerkzeugH
15:00:00 Call-in: Tags & Seals: Discussing physical security vulnerability vectors Eric Michaud video EN WerkzeugH
15:30:00 Genetic Algorithms & Evolutionary Computing Ben Winstone workshop EN WerkzeugH
16:30:00 Call-in: Reversing the MSP430 Travis Goodspeed video EN WerkzeugH
17:30:00 Security by Candlelight naxxatoe MiKa lynx workshop EN WerkzeugH
19:00:00 The Church of Security: Flashmob astera Hellekin jaromil Phil event EN Meeting point: WerkzeugH
21:00:00 omgwtflolBBQ event - TBA
22:00:00 Laser Tagging Michael Zeltner presentation - TBA