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Visual snatches, that’s what is usually left from the party the day before: divorcing the friend from the bar, your favorite track, which was played just as you were about to leave (of course), flasing and blending lights, some beautiful girls, you will never date´, the dancing crowd and in best case a good chat. Thomas Unterberger, Viennese event- and scene photographer, took all these details and layered them into inspiring workings. Within this he not only facilitates an intimate view of the elation, the mood and the atmosphere of a club night , but renders the positive sensor overload in his own surrealistic imagery.
The results can be seen: on July 31st 2009, play.fm Lounge, quartier21, Museumsquartier.
About the person:
Since 2002 Thomas Unterberger portrays the Viennese club culture. He regards his works not so much as a reflection of a scene, but as his own illustrative comment of his mental lense. Meanwhile he is working as free photographer for media and companies.
Thomas Unterberger website:
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