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Salvatore Viviano
it’s about the everyday’s life
it’s about clothes
it’s about music
it’s about an OBSESSION
listening music and changing clothes: 2 everyday life’s gesture (movement)
listening music and changing clothes everyday, to be in a good (or in a bad) mood and to be beautiful, sexy, or just not naked
so, to listen music with the computer and to put clothes are 2 “normal” gesture of everyday’s life
“normal” but they can be “endless”, like a playlist (it depends of the capacity of the hard disc)
like every “endless thing”, it can become an OBSESSION, and like every OBSESSION you can die if you don’t do something to stop it…
In the Schaulager I will put music from my computer connected to some speakers
I will change myself with the clothes that I have
I will have a lot of clothes on the floor, like in a messy room
I will change music and clothes all the time
I will never stop
like I will never find the “good” outfit and the “right” music
the performance is open end
I can do it for 1 hour or 1 week…
I will be in the gallery 24h/24h, changing my clothes and changing my music
I will give some paper to the audience the day of the opening asking to bring me food, drink, new clothes, everything they think I need
because I can’t do nothing else except changing music and clothes, because I am obsessed
I don’t know when I will stop the performance
to be obsessed is to be alive (?)