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Exhibition - open daily from 10 am - 08 pm
Craving - soundwalk
meeting point: freiraum/quartier21
time: 11.30 am - 1.30 pm
A Geo-Spatial Sound Composition for a Listener Moving Freely through Deserted Urban Landscapes
Craving is a site specific spatial sound composition set up by the two artists in the public space of Vienna’s Donaucity district. There they arranged musical and spoken sound fragments inspired by the late Sarah Kane’s play “Crave”. The selection of sounds and their spatial as well as temporal distribution follows a detailed study of the text and the emotional tectonics of the physical space itself. The latter one, which is reflected in features such as rhythms and flows of pedestrian movements and architectural layers.
The piece is experienced by the listener while he individually wanders though the outskirt high-rise area. He wears headphones and a GPS- and sensor equipped computing device, allowing the composition to unfold while he drifts through the area. A binaural sound simulation incorporates the sounds that have been affiliated by the artists to certain places into his acoustic environment, as if they were around him. While the listener explores the urban environment himself, he is also shaping his very own spatial sound narrative. The project is based on the artists’ self-developed software “Global Player”.
Bernhard Garnicnig, Gottfried Haider (Austria)
Bernhard Garnicnig studies Digital Arts at the University for Applied Arts and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He is a founding member of c17, an artist-run space in Vienna. His current work focuses on establishing social, theoretical, sculptural and audiovisual constellations.
Gottfried Haider studies Digital Arts at the University for Applied Arts Vienna. He is interested in urban soundscape theory and researches the interdependencies of algorithmic acquisition of space, its coexistent manipulation and numerology.
* offspacecenter.com/infoblast - Homepage of Bernhard Garnicnig
* gottfriedhaider.com - Homepage of Gottfried Haider
: MUMOK Auditorium
Artist Presentations
time: 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
Takahiro Kaneshima (JP)
FEC was founded in 2007 to provide the platform for artists who are active in East Asia. All projects are artists’ production oriented - FEC supports their activities.
The East Asian contemporary art scene becomes rapidly famous all over the world and has been dramatically changed within the last 5 years, especially in mainland China. FEC has been involved in interesting projects with East Asian artists: “Under the Cheery blossoms and Indoor Hot Spring” (Liu Xiaodong, Yokohama, 2007), “Hyatt Hotel” (Liu Jianhua, Shanghai, 2008), “Platform Exhibition” (Seoul, 2008), “Discharge Mode to Order” (Tsumura Kosuke and Kaneuji Teppei, Yokohama, 2008), Media installation projects by SHIMURABROS. (Yokohama, 2008-09) and AIR projects between Yokohama and Beijing (2007-09). These projects mentioned were showing that “interesting” things happen not at big art museums but at a smaller scale, since most of the art museums are too conservative to experiment or have not established yet in East Asia. Under these conditions, FEC aims to provide opportunities for East Asian artists to experiment together.
Takahiro Kaneshima
Takahiro Kaneshima, born 1977 in Tokyo. Director at FEC. Received the MA from the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University and worked at NOKIA Research Center (Finland), TOSHIBA Digital Media Company (Japan) and Tokyo Gallery + BTAP (China) before founding FEC in 2007. Lives and works in Yokohama, Taipei and Beijing to research and experiment in the East Asian contemporary art scene by supporting artists’ production and organizing exchange programs.
SHIMURABROS. (Yuka & Kentaro Shimura / JP)
This project was created to challenge one of the historical constraints / codes of film production / motion imagery. All motion imagery taken by camera is 2 dimensional though crucial developments in film have been made since “Arrive d’un train la Ciotat” (”Arrival of a train” 1895, the first film in the world directed by Lumière brothers). This early work and most film today focuses on projecting images using a two dimensional screen. SHIMURABROS., not unlike the first pioneers Lumière bros, approach from a fundamentally different perspective to extend film beyond the two-dimensional limit. SHIMURABROS. are determined that image exists in an actual three-dimensional space. This screen is formed by a sequence of special shielded film the sequence creates a phenomenon of persistence of vision in a three dimensional direction thus printing out ‘a solid form made of light’ in our retina. Medical technology, specifically a CT scanner creates, for us a new image experience, composed of photographic cross sections this image of the locamotive generates a luster like that of a precious stone for us.
A Sister / Brother artist duo, Yuka (b.1976) and Kentaro (b.1979) SHIMURABROS. create works of motion images in formats such as media art, film and installation. A new expression of imagery is achieved through their inventions. The “X-ray train” won the award for the Yokohama Creative Area Competition. “SEKILALA-3 screen installation” presents the concept of live furniture which has been screened at the exhibition Transgenesis (Czech Academy of Science) and the Cannes International Film Festival 2007.
- Bernhard Garnicnig & Gottfried Haider (AT)
MUMOK Auditorium
Theoretical Lectures
time: 4.30 pm - 6.00 pm
Hisashi Muroi (JP)
- Mathias Fuchs (AT)
MUMOK Auditorium
time: 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm
Christa Sommerer (AT) & Laurent Mignonneau (AT)