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Francisca Benitez (RCH/US)
Property Lines / Eigentumsgrenzen
Eröffnung / Opening:
Samstag / Saturday, 28.03.2009, 17-20h, 5-8pm
Ausstellung / Exhibition: 29.03. - 04.04.2009
Benitez’ work investigates and comments on the ways individuals, groups and society inhabit space. During the course of 2008 she has developed a body of work that pays close attention to the floor, doing graphite rubbings where infrastructure, history, politics and personal narratives intersect. Property Lines, the centerpiece of this exhibition, is a collection of 74 rubbings of different property line floor markings in New York Cityʼs sidewalks: they interrogate the ambiguity of this private residual corporate space that becomes part of the sidewalk, to be used by the public under small print restrictions. The city tells a lot of things though its floors, and Benitez decipher them through these performance-drawing-prints. She is also interested in issues of scale, and on how our perception of the size of objects changes according to context and positioning.