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Extreme Improvised Synaesthesia
Botborg is an international audio-visual performance group that fuses and rewires raw electronic signals to create intensely visceral experiences of sound-colour synaesthesia. Using a complex array of custom electronics, Botborg create totally live multi-sensory assaults of interdependent colour and rhythm, pushing the limits of technology to invoke the maximum possible stimulation of their audience’s mind and body. Botborg work with a level of experimentation and improvisation that places them in a territory outside traditional musical or cinematic formats, where the boundaries between art, science, and philosophy mutate until they are rendered meaningless.
Company Fuck
Company Fuck is a one-man noisecore karaoke explosion. CxFx works in his own distinctive sonic territory combining extreme vocal improvisation, digital noise, hacked electronics, and deliberate musical homage/parody. With no allegiance to one sound or scene, CxFx simultaneously plunders pirated pop music whilst also blowing apart the formulas of so-called ‘underground’ genres. CxFx often sounds like one man conjuring a million artists together for a bloody entangled mess of manic audio intercourse and copyright infringement. Nobody is safe from the CxFx treatment.
CxFx is known for his brutal and unpredictable live shows, which has found audiences strangely entertained on tours all over Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Sure, CxFx uses a laptop, but any similarity to other computer musicians stops there. In performance CxFx is a totally improvised wireless noise monster, able to fast-forward through an entire rainbow of musical styles with every electrified scream, grunt, cough, or spit. In his own unique way, CxFx transforms the stage into a hyper-violent karaoke bar of the future - and he may even persuade the audience to sing along.
Previously from Australia, CxFx now hails the necrowizard in Austria.
Stefan Kushima
Stefan Kushima is a young artist from Austria who creates minimal wavering drone music with a unique warm, natural, and hand-made touch. Using concrete sound sources - repetitive guitar figures, violin patterns, vocal cries, or other self-built instruments – Kushima spins a web of spiralling patterns and melancholic harmonies until his one-man-ballad is abstracted into a blissful wall of fuzzed-out metallic glow. Kushima’s psychedelic tones penetrate the psyche like hypnotic transmissions originating from deep in space or beneath the sea, pulling the listener towards the menacing source, only to be pushed away again into a calm haze.
Kushima has released a prolific stream of CD-Rs and Cassettes on many underground labels including Blackest Rainbow (UK), Cryptic Carousel (US) Resting Bell (GER), and Soundholes (UK).