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Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Louise Nevelson became famous in the late 1950’s for her large walls of black-stained boxes that made her the first environmental American artist. After a remark by an art critic in 1957, she began to call herself the architect of shadow. What did she mean by “architect of light and shadow”?
As an art historian, I propose that shadow and light became Nevelson’s principal formal tools. As a psychoanalyst, I argue that light and shadow represented, among other things, the two poles of her emotional experience with an of her mother - a complex maternal imago that was a powerful underlying theme in her life. Laurie Wilson
Laurie Wilson ist Kunsthistorikerin und Psychoanalytikerin. Derzeit ist sie Clinical Associate Professor für Psychiatrie am NYU Medical Center des NYU Psychoanalytic Institute und praktiziert in New York City.
Eine Veranstaltung der Sigmund Freud Privatstiftung in Kooperation mit der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Sigmund Freud Gesellschaft