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“Wiener Luft” is a collaborative work made by the soundartists Cliona Harmey (IRL) and Barry L Roshto (USA/DE).
The piece is one of a series of works created during the eMobilart (European Mobile Lab for Interactive artists) project.
It is a collateral event to a mobile-phone gaming event, “The Third Woman” which takes place in the Vienna U-Bahn and is based on a reworking the theme of the THIRD MAN for the 21st century.
“Wiener Luft” juxtaposes simultaneous recordings of ambient sound and normally inaudible electro-magnetic fields found in the game venue (Vienna U-Bahn, Karlsplatzpassage).
Cliona Harmey (IRL), Media and sound artist based in Dublin, studied sculpture and digital media. Much of her work is about the process of recording.
Barry L. Roshto (USA/DE), Composer and Sound Artist, born in the US, living and working in Bonn, Germany since 1982. Practical and Theoretical music and media studies in the US, Bonn and London.