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Gabriella Bleich-Rossi invites you and your friends to the opening of the exhibition
Wednesday, 11 February 2009, 6 p.m.
Exhibition: 12. February – 7 March 2009
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and on appointment
G A L E R I E B L E I C H - R O S S I , W I E N
A - 1010 WIEN, DOMINIKANERBASTEI 19, TEL. 01/8901902 FAX 8901902-15
galerie@bleich-rossi.at www.bleich-rossi.at
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Otherwise we will send our program information furthermore.
Mag. Baerbel Holaus
Ramesh Daha’s project „Victims 9/11“shows a series of portraits. These portraits consist of rectangular headshots of the same size (acrylics on canvas), picturing predominantly young people of international extraction. The denseness of the images and the intense coloring are truly awe-inspiring. And all the depicted persons share the same tragic fate: They’ve lost their lives on the 11th of September, 2001, during the terrorist attacks on the USA. With these portraits Ramesh Daha raises a memorial to each of the victims.
After the attacks, people looking for their loved ones attached photographs on the debris that surrounded the site of violence, in order to help identification of the dead and the survivors. A few days after the attacks, CNN special had begun publishing the victims’ long series of names and photos on the internet.
Furthermore these photos represent the basis of Ramesh Daha’s astonishing archive on the attacks and their political interlace: collected over the past few years- but never in public before. A significant share of work is brought in by these researches on the internet, in newspaper archives and public libraries as well as by her interviews with contemporary witnesses.
The portrait project Victims 9/11 has been Ramesh Daha tackle for more than 7 years now. And being “work in progress”, changes are unavoidable. This time, for example, there’s no “monument”, like at Sammlung Essel (2003) and Sotheby’s (2004) – instead you’ll find a pictorial installation that will allow you to trace its development step by step.
Victims 9/11 is the source for Ramesh Daha’s other artistic series, like „no comment“, or „3200 north / 5300 east“, with an ever closer focus on politics. The artist crosses the borders of painting, and into other media like drawing, or sound.