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Votrag & Film Clips
Why watch porn?
Why not?
Or why not look for “other” porn?
How theorize sex performances?
How produce other body-technologies?
How celebrate critical pleasures?
How criticise without censorship?
Why affirm the fetish?
Why sexualise alienation?
How intensify the relation between theory & practice?
Why is power sexy?
Why the body a victim of capitalist commodification?
Why not fuck different, instead of idealising a way back to nature?
With these questions the now legendary Post Porn Politics Symposium at the Berliner Volksbühne was introduced, looking for a queer_feminist reservoir of reflections and practice that make it possible to think positions in sexual politics and post-identitarian sex beyond cultural pessimism or naive affirmation.
With the publication about the symposium on the corner, and the follow-up PPP2 in the making, Tim Stüttgen will present positions beyond present visibility, meaning new artists and actvisits, such as Maria Llopis, Post-Op or Go Fist Foundation (all coming from Spain), or a view in the past and the prequeer-70s, where pro-fetishistic camp might have invented postporn before it was coined with this name. So this evening, featuring clips and stills, but also different textual materials by me and many others, is dedicated to allpractical and theoretical sexualities beyond the present day, just waiting to be actualised in the future to come.