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10 October - 19 November 2008
9 October, 19.00 – 21.30
Project curators: Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer
Participant artists:
Judith Augustinovic
Ursula Biemann
Film by Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer
Book presentation and panel discussion:
Networked Cultures – Parallel Architectures and the Politics of Space
22 October 2008, 19.00 at Architekturzentrum Wien – Podium
Emiliano Gandolfi, Doris Burtscher, Gulsen Bal and Margarethe Makovec
Moderation: Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer
Whether in the form of transnational politics, global economies, new working conditions or urban social movements, networks have become the most powerful figure of thought operating on the way we conceive the organisation of the world. Networks have changed our forms of cultural interaction and coexistence just as they have the way in which we produce and experience spaces.
The engagement with these developments on the part of art and architecture in recent years has resulted in a new form of praxis founded on collective production, process-guided work and transversal project platforms. Such a ‘disciplineless’ praxis of unsolicited intervention in spatial contexts renders legible the dysfunctional rules of planned spatial and cultural containment and creates an avenue for generating new forms of circulation amidst the political efforts to conceal this failure. It makes use of existing networks, expands and changes them, gives rise to new circuits and thereby sketches a mobile geography of self-determined utilization of space and culture.
The project Networked Cultures aims neither to present this development as a contained movement nor to localize it within the particularities of a specific geographic or institutional context. We are far more interested in its propinquity to a plethora of other self-authorized structures, irregardless of their scale – gray markets, informal commerce, alternative economies and migratory practices as well as the innumerable, minor, barely discernible attempts to establish self-determined sociality in the midst of the reconfiguration of our environments.
supported by
Stadt Wien - Kulturabteilung MA 7
in co-operation with:
Architekturzentrum Wien