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We asked you to co-create with us a big public event. Saturday the 20th september 2008 we will come to you in a political demonstration and we will ask you to leave your authoritarian body of stone and enter a totally new democratic body concept We will carry you around in this new shape and bring you to the brut theatre to witness the new developments of art in vienna.
demonstration starts at 15h at brut ( take walking shoes with you) we walk for a bigger influence of art in politics, now it will be the time for creative thinking, do not beleive anymore in power based thinking, think more in a way how mothers take care of their childs when we think of big social problems, yes we ask everyone to become a anyone a mother without fear, also the leading men among us. and we liberate marie therese from her historical connotationand ask her to become the mother of creativity.
evening programme starts at 20h at brut (take dancing shoes with you) there will be a mysteryplay about the quest of contemporary art. rudimetary contemprary courtdances, democratic kitchen roccoco costumes, a lot of acts and at last of course a contemporaruy viennese bal. during this evening everone is invited to offer marie therese something of their own creativity, in the form of a painting or act of 30 seconds.
The people who took this initiative are Frans Poelstra & Robert Steijn as united sorry, Anne Juren, Roland Seidel,Pieter Ampe and Theater Am Bahnhof. But we need a lot of people. So, spread the word!, we would love to see if we can involve a wide range of people, and not only people who work in the arts. So, pregnant women, children, elderly people, professors, teachers, taxi-drivers, etc, anybody who would like to spend some time and enjoys to create this event with us.
we will prepare this event in one week, the week before this saturday in brut.