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DeerBLN will be the first show to take place at the brand NEW location of Vienna’s Finest Gallery, INOPERAbLE. Its been two and a half years and 10 too many constructions sites on Lindengasse, but now INOP has moved to a bigger and better space just down the street from Somogyi paint shop! The official address of the new location is Burggasse 24, I’ve attached a small map so you can get an idea of where it is in relation to the old space which you should all be very familiar with by now! It has been a huge rush and alot of work and the place is unfortunately not 100% done yet but the front area (the gallery) will be ready by Thursday, and I or my new partner Nathalie will be happy to give a quick tour or description of what we plan for the rest of the space.
Now, about the show! DeerBLN will be bringing close to 60 artworks all created by some of his favorite artists from around the world. He sent out a huge amount of canvases all 30x30cm and asked the artists to do what ever they wanted, just keeping with the same theme, DEER. What came back were sculptures, paintings, and much more. The traveling group show has already been exhibited at the Superplan gallery in Berlin and is now coming to Vienna for your viewing pleasure. You can check out the blog of the project and see a complete list of names involved in the project. Its a guaranteed good collection of art and definately a do not miss event.
Nathalie and I hope to see you all this Thursday evening, September 4th at 7 o’clock or later… at our NEW location, Burggasse 24. (corner of kirchengasse)