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Ableton Workshop with Cee & Raysoo (Love International, Malaysia)
Special Guest: Raysoo (Love International, Malaysia) On august 28th, the last thursday of month and during the hotness of beloved endsummer days you might refresh your mind once again with some lowdown from our led-free Ableton workshop.
This beatrepeat workshop is brought to you by our beat surgeon and instructor Cee from Al Haca. But tomorrow a special guest from aquetorial climates will join us: Raysoo (Love International, Malaysia) is one of the leading DJs in Asia for electronic house music and in the moment touring europe, in Vienna actually booked by glamorous IckeMicke.
We are looking forward to meet him at the PLAY.FM Lounge for a nice talk about music. What we do. And you do.
Find the set from raysoo at asian pacific special at killekill Berghain, Berlin.