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We want to invite you to participate in our new project called “Burn
Yuor Ideas”.
Burn Your Ideas is a project aiming to create an environment for old
ideas’ rebirth and revival.
Every artist has ideas that have long been stored unrealized due to
one reason or another.
Burn Your Ideas will provoque artists by posing the question:
“What is more important: to share an idea and realize it or to keep it
safe and forgotten, waiting until its author finds the time?”
All artists who choose to share their ideas within the framework of
the project keep their rights on their ideas under the Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0[\.0/] license.
Thus the will to share the idea with other artists while preserving
the authorship is clearly declared.
This act of sharing can transform into establishing a team for the
realization of the idea or brainstorming for its clearer definition,
which may in its turn catalyze its realization.
The project consist of a series of presentations/discussions which
take time once a month.
Get Invloved
best regards,
see u there crew