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The Mobile Music Workshop 2008 is the 5th in a series of annual international gatherings that explore the creative, critical and commercial potential of mobile music. They are inspired by the ever-changing social, geographic, ecological, emotional context of using mobile technology for creative ends. We are looking for new ideas and ground-breaking projects on sound in mobile contexts. What new forms of interaction with music and audio lie ahead as locative media, ubiquitous networks, and music access merge into new forms of experiences that shape the everyday? Can they change the way we think about our mobile devices and about walking through the city?
Poster Presentation
Regular Registration
[Full Price]
Reduced Registration
Hands on Session
10:00 - 12:00
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch
Paper3 :
Developments and Challenges turning Mobile Phones into Generic music Performance Platforms
Georg Essl and Michael Rohs
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin, Germany
Ge Wag
Center for Computer Research in Music And Acoustic, Standford University Standford CA, USA
A typology for Listening in Place
Pedro Rebelo, Matt Green and Florian Hollerweger
Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen´s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
14:30-15:00 coffe break
closing session - panel debatt
15:00 – 17:00
closing Party
springfield RVL-003
Jan Perschy, Robert Mathy and Merlin Wyschka
Tim Blechman and Klaus Filip
Institut for transacoustic research
Nikolaus Gansterer, Matthias Meinharter, Jörg Piringer and Ernst Reitermayer