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The Mobile Music Workshop 2008 is the 5th in a series of annual international gatherings that explore the creative, critical and commercial potential of mobile music. They are inspired by the ever-changing social, geographic, ecological, emotional context of using mobile technology for creative ends. We are looking for new ideas and ground-breaking projects on sound in mobile contexts. What new forms of interaction with music and audio lie ahead as locative media, ubiquitous networks, and music access merge into new forms of experiences that shape the everyday? Can they change the way we think about our mobile devices and about walking through the city?
Regular Registration
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Reduced Registration
Poster Presentation
10:00 to 12:00
Mobile Tangible Interfaces as Gestural Instruments
Fares Kayali, Martin Pichlmair and Peter Kotik
Institut of Design & Assessment of Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
An Augmented Reality Framework for Wireless Mobile Performance
Mike Wozniewski, Nicolas Bouillot and Jeremy R. Cooperstock
Centre for Intelligent Machines, McGill University Montreal Quebec, Canada
Zack Settel
Universite de Montreal Montreal Quebec, Canada
Undersound and the Above Ground
Arianna Bassoli
ISIG, London School of Economics, London, UK
Johanna Brewer
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, UC Irvine, UK
Karen Martin
The Barlett School of Graduate Studies, London, UK
Iacopo Carreras, David Tacconi
Claudio Midolo
Communication Design and Technology - Parson the new school, New York City, USA
12:00-13:30 Lunch
Some Challenges Related to Music and Movement in Mobile Music Technology
Alexander Refsum Jensenius
Department of Musciology, University of Oslo, Norway
Real time sysnaesthetic Sonification of Travelling Landscape
Tim Pohle and Peter Knees
Department of Computational Perception, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
14:30-15:00 coffe break
Arnold Haberl, Klaus Filip, Andrea Faessler, Nicolaj Kirisits
Tango Intervention Vienna
Lawrence Robert
IMPROVE mobile Phone sound improvisation
Widerberg Richard
Collaborative Musical Games with PhonePlay
Knowles Joshua
19:00 Community - dinner at EXPEDIT http://www.expedit.net/