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open:sounds presents female:pressure dvd1
Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of female:pressure, a pioneering project to raise the visibility of female artists in electronic music, and following up on our open:sounds CD (released in 2006) we are proud to present our first DVD: female:pressure dvd1
From the beginning, VJs (Video Jockeys) and other visual artists have been part of the female:pressure community because they essentially shape the characteristics of almost every realm in electronic music and club culture. Yet, the work of video artists is not being recognized appropriately in this context - this applies both to their payment as to their public perception. To counteract the one-sided focus on DJs and musicians we want to offer “our” visual artists the overdue possibility to present their work adequately.
Our production platform open:sounds - implemented in 2005 - provided the basis for the DVD: female:pressure musicians made new tracks and remixes of the previously existent material available through open:sounds.
Thanks to the funding of “Verein Stadtimpuls Wien” (Vienna City Impulse Association), we were able to invite female:pressure video artists resident in Vienna to create videos for the 21 international tracks compiled from our open:sounds pool. Their works cover the broad spectrum of different methods of visualizing electronic music: from live video mixing to video clips to experimental filmlets and animations. Christina Goestl’s design of the DVD connects the heterogeneous works and creates continuity. Thus, one can view single clips as well as watch the DVD in full length.
Through free distribution of the whole pressing (3000 copies) and the application of Creative Commons Licenses (Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works) for video and audio material, we want to ensure a most widespread non-commercial use, increase the presence of female:pressure artists - especially visual artists - and demonstrate networking by contemporary, alternative means. The DVD will be available in selected record stores and online. Hardwax Berlin carries out the physical distribution.
vjs: evatronica, super u, dj: missus