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Conference, 14 - 15 March 2008
Home is where I understand and where I am understood, wrote Karl Jaspers once. If this home today is our globalized world, then its mother tongue cannot be but a translation, both linguistically and culturally. And yet, what if we want this home to have a political meaning, to be the place of freedom, justice and equality for all of us? Should we form a nation of translation and claim its sovereignty in an independent state? Who translates betrays: mother tongues, borders and, above all, the old political dreams. The betrayers of all the nations will never form a nation of their own. It is time for a new challenge. Is it possible to articulate the emerging trans-national culture of translation in non-cultural terms or, in other words, are we able to translate a trans-national cultural space into a common trans-cultural political action?
Boris Buden, Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodriguez, Rada Iveković, Sandro Mezzadra, Klaus Neundlinger, Stefan Nowotny, Jon Solomon, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Hito Steyerl, Tom Waibel, Michaela Wolf
12.00–15.00 Panel 3
Moderation: Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodriguez
Michaela Wolf
Nation of Translation – Nation as Translation:
Charting Perspectives of Trans-cultural Political Action
Sandro Mezzadra
The Labor of Translation
Imagining the Politics of Translation Beyond Communication and Articulation
Boris Buden
Faithful to Whom: Fidelity of Translation as Political Question
15.00–15.30 Break
15.30–18.30 Panel 4
Moderation: Hito Steyerl
Jon Solomon
Rethinking the Meaning of Regions: Translation and Catastrophe
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Varieties of Transculture
DJ-Team: first fatal kiss