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Starring Gregory Peck. A classic film, a groundbreaking study on segregation and acceptance in latter day Alabama , as a lawyer (Peck) finds himself and his children at the forefront of a racial battle during the depression, defending a black man wrongly accused of rape. The original screenplay was adapted from the award winning book by Harper Lee, and won three Oscars.
Diese Vorführung - und jene des Films Beloved am 24. Februar um 11 Uhr - sind Teil des internationalen Benefiz-Festivals “Darfur - Wir tun was”. Veranstalter sind die Botschaft der USA und das Vienna Theatre Project.
Einheitspreis: 7,50 Euro (zusätzliche Spenden willkommen)
Alle Einnahmen gehen an die Darfur-Hilfe von CARE Österreich.