
Dear Vienna – ein visuelles Tagebuch Event

➜ edit + new album ev_02vvC3KQ52UQ0CGgAbQcSJ
27. März
MQ ehem. Transeuropa
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien
- AiR BASE, MQ neben Freiraum, 1070, Museumsplatz 1
Bildende Kunst Zeitgenössische Kunst Ausstellung

Maryam Mohajer
Animationskünstlerin und Artist in Residence des quartier21/MQ

Wir laden herzlich ein zu Maryam Mohajer´s Präsentation!

“A visual diary of my time in Vienna based on the drawings that I’ve been doing of the people; young (sometimes not very young) couples with their new born baby, old couples who still enjoy having a cup of coffee together, people who come to the cafe on their own either because they’re lonely or they’re waiting for someone to call or turn up or…This is a selection of momentary observations on different people, each one with a story.” (MM)

Ausstellungsdauer: 14.12. bis 30.12.2007, tägl. 10–20h


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