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Oh no! The Holiday Season has arrived and Vienna, along with many
others, have been covered in Christmas markets, and Shopping malls are
playing cheesy Holiday music on loop! You either love it or you hate it…
Either way your friends and Family will be expecting presents from you
this season… That is why I have decided to host a show of Poster art
made available at affordable prices, so you wont break the bank at your
favorite neighborhood gallery! I have asked artists from around the
world to submit some of their work for the show. The great part is that
all the work is hand made by the artists themselves! Now is your chance
to get original silkscreen works (most fit nicely in cheap IKEA frames,
which give it an extra classy look) and give them to your loved ones and
show how into the Underground Art Scene you really are!
Some, but not all of the Artists involved are: Atzgerei, Bongout, Douze,
Goetzilla, Kryot, Lil Tuffy, Motmot, Chris Kline, David Kline, Adam
Turman, Guy Burwell, M8 and Knochen.
So come celebrate St Nicholas at INOPERAbLE (the owner just happens to
also be called Nicholas) this Thursday December 6th starting at 7pm
(19uhr). Punsch will be available to keep you warm as well as the other
usual INOPERAbLE treats…
So in the words of Krusty the Clown,
“Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, a Krazy Kwanzaa, a Tip Top
Tet, and a solemn, eventful Ramadan.”