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djs sir tralala + elektrosense eintritt frei
I grew up in Austria, Vienna and lived there until I was brave enough to pack my suitcase and guitar one day and hope onto a train to Sweden. I always felt that I needed to go “somewhere”, the actual destination was secondary to me. I can feel home almost anywhere and nowhere. I guess being a foreigner at any place is where I feel at ease - inescapably you make friends with other foreigners and they become the home of your heart. In my life traveling and music are so intimately connected with each other, that I feel my music would lack soul without the experience of moving. As a child I was fascinated by musicals. I was absorbed by the stories and loved to dive into the lives of the characters who expressed their thoughts and emotions through some dance-steps and singing towards each other. I found a new home in Gothenburg where I stayed for three years. There is nothing more southing than a quiet lake and a deep forest that lets your soul breathe peacefully. My first EP “ Sinsweettime” was released on a Viennese record-label, Fettkakao. However, I played seldom live these days, a few times in Sweden and a little tour in Poland which was the first tour I have done all by myself. The kick of seeing new strange places and sharing my music with warm interesting people. Poland was a marvelous unforgettable experience! In may 2006 I have been invited to play some concerts in Barcelona. So exciting, chaotic and fresh for me like the tomato salad on the square in the district of Gracia, so different from the quiet life in Sweden. I guess what I was longing for was a portion of chaos in my life and Spain seemed to have it. So what could I do? I had to return. In winter I came back to record my new album with a pianist, Marc Melia Sobrevias, formerly of the band El Piano Ardiendo. Finding Marc and his passionate way of playing the piano, was like finding a musical soulmate. We spent days and nights in a blue room inside his house recording my new album. My Italian friend Girgio Menossi of the band Niandra Ladies enchanted the songs with his percussions on guitars and kitchen-drawers. We tried to keep the music as natural as possible.