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Ein Film von Miki Malör, Michael Strohmann und Yosi Wanunu
Der Film INTERIOR DESIGN dokumentiert das umfangreiche Schaffen der Performance-Künstlerin Miki Malör, die ihre Auseinandersetzung mit dem medialen
Bild des weiblichen Körpers sukzessive radikalisiert hat.
“Once when she was younger … when she used to go to the symphony alone …
she was sitting in her chair … and next thing she knew she was floating up …
to the ceiling … looking back at her body, sitting in the chair … she got very high … it was like watching herself in someone else’s film … this is her story.”
A topology of desire. Rituals. Private body parts. Daily routines.
A woman makes herself at home.
INTERIOR DESIGN: Austria 2007/45 min/ DV/color/English, Assistenz: Lisa Müller, Grafik: rob.drapela, Produziert: Miki Malör. Gefördert durch Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien, MA 7, www.maloer.org
Eintritt: € 7,90 / € 5,50