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Durch das teure Equipment führten ortsabhängige Spiele in der Vergangenheit meist ein Schattendasein. Erst mit dem massiven Preissturz der letzten Zeit und der zunehmenden Integration von GPS-Receivern in Mobiltelefone werden location-based games für den Massenmarkt interessant.
In diesem Vortrag erfahren Sie, welche neuartigen Konzepte ermöglicht werden, sowie die Funktionsweise der zugrundeliegenden Technologien. Mehrere Beispiele demonstrieren, wie diese Technik bereits heute ohne großen Aufwand erlebt werden kann.
Adam Montandon co-founded the digital production agency HMC Interactive in 2004 and enjoys sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm for digital technologies with others. Adam has been fascinated with new technology from an early age, and programmed his first computer game when he was 9 years old. Now 26, Adam graduated from the University of Plymouth’s cutting edge Medialab Arts course with a First class Honours degree in 2003.
Adam then studied at the UK’s Institute of Digital Arts and Technology and was awarded a Master of Science with distinction in the field of Digital Futures in December 2004. In 2005 Adam founded the HMC MediaLab Organisation, a future focused digital arts community that involves over a thousand “interesting people doing interesting things”. In just 2 years HMC was named as one of the top ten showcase technology companies in the UK with the Best of British award.
Adam is heavily involved in the creation, design and production of cyber-architecture for public spaces, theme parks, attractions and events around the world. Through HMC Interactive he consults and develops interactive concepts for companies like Motorola, MTV, Microsoft Xbox, BMW and Cadbury. The HMC MediaLab has presented digital artwork at top London gallery Tate Britain and the exclusive Port Elliot literature festival. Adam has lectured at numerous universities and colleges across the UK including the prestigious Royal Institute of Science, and internationally at MipTV in Cannes and Transmedial in Berlin.
Adams unusual projects have won First Prize at Submerge 3 years in a row. In 2004 his Cyborg project won the prestigious Europrix award, Europes biggest digital media award. He was also received the Being Digital award for academic achievement. Adam was also the recipient of the Best Overall Winner at the Media Innovation Awards for his interactive games programming at Cadbury World Theme park. He was also nominated for Outstanding Contribution to digital media.
His work has been featured in magazines, newspapers and TV programs around the world including documentaries for Discovery Channel and Research TV.
Andreas Jakl ist sowohl als Assistenzprofessor für mobile Softwareentwicklung an der FH Hagenberg, als auch seit drei Jahren mit der Firma “Mopius” selbstständig. Eines der wichtigsten bisherigen Projekte war das mobile, ortsabhängige Abenteuerspiel “The Journey”, welches erstmals ein Spiel, das an verschiedenen Orten gespielt werden muss, für jedermann zugänglich machte – und dadurch weltweit über 100.000 Mal heruntergeladen wurde.
FH Hagenberg, Mobile Computing
Stephan Drab ist Assistenzprofessor am Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang “Mobile Computing” an der FH Hagenberg, wo er diverse Lehrveranstaltungen zu den Themen Computergraphik, Mobile Games, Interaktionstechnologien und Mobile Betriebssysteme abhält.
FH Hagenberg, Mobile Computing